design, craft and daily creativity

Project list to date

Design - print
Wedding day stationery package
All artwork designed and created for wedding day (for before, during and after the day itself)
Handmade greetings cards
Celebration cards designed and crafted for a specific person and event
Self promotion products
Business cards and leaflets designed and printed to promote an individual’s skills and career
Personal journal
A journal designed and printed to create a record of a special period of time
Personal photobook
A collection of personal photos edited, copiled and designed to create a photobook of a special event or period of time
Event promotional material
Posters, newsletters and digital images created to promote concerts, classes and parties for small businesses 
Established business promotional material
Posters, point cards and business card created for an established business, following previous design guidelines and enhancing the brand
New business promotional material
Logo, posters and leaflets produced for a new business, forming a strong brand presence to use in-store, online and on paper
Printed and digital party invitation
Invitations to be circulated for personal events and celebrations
Newsletter front page
Informative and creative writing for a monthly club newsletter 

Design - digital
An image-based email newsletter to keep contacts and friends up to date with latest events
Digital recipe book template
A collection of recipes compiled by individuals on matching template pages
Digital CV template
A letterhead and template created to enhance an individual’s CV and personal statement
Website design
Ideas generated and designs produced for website and online use
New business promotional material
Logo, posters and leaflets produced for a new business, forming a strong brand presence to use in-store, online and on paper
Event promotional material
Posters, newsletters and digital images created to promote concerts, classes and parties for small businesses  
Digital slideshow
Excel slides created for an established business requiring a fresh identity
Printed and digital party invitation
Invitations to be circulated for personal events and celebrations

Decorative ceramics
A set of shop-bought plates decorated with a handpainted design
Wedding gift artwork
Artwork designed and created for couples to record their special day
Wedding veil embellishment
Bespoke sequin design hand sewn onto wedding veil
Birthday gift
Handsewn cloud cushion cover

Cultural exchange workshops
Class ideas researched, prepared and held to share skills in a social setting
English language support
Support given to adults and children in use of written and spoken English - through editing of written word and one-to-one tuition  
Art class
Support given to children in creative thinking and expression - through one-to-one tuition
Companionship and support
Time and friendship with interns and short-term visitors to our town and support for acquaintances abroad
Casual conversation classes
Friendship and casual language support shared over tea, coffee and cake

Japanese Television Channel
Interview alongside other exhibitors at CHIC shodo and ikebana exhibition
Japanese Magazine
Kobecco, September 2014
Interview to promote Shioya Country Club and surrounding James Yama area

This seems to be the perfect place to thank all of my clients and friends for the chance to work together. Thank you! ありがとうございました。Dankeschön.

copyright all images and content Caroline Barley (unless otherwise stated)
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